quitter's room rescue

19 64

Well, it looks like squid flu doesn't last very long on you humans! So I guess this is a see ya later for now! Bye Squitter!

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Hello, I'm sad to say that Lettuce will have to take a break because they've caught a nasty case of the squid flu. However, they've let me manage the account while they're gone. I hope we can be friends Squitter dot com!

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This is actually untrue for Donkey Kong Country 3! If I recall correctly, in that game, Squitter can kill Krimps (the Klaptrap equivalents in DKC3) and other enemies by jumping on them.

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DK Rep 2: Dixie Kong

Somewhat based on Diddy, borrows Tony’s Feather Gun, grabs with her hair, Side Special propeller spins and can be redirected up, Up Special uses Squawks to fly (great recovery). FS uses transformation barrels to shoot webs as Squitter then charge as Rambi.

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This reminds me of a similar joke I thought of before...

You: You've never had leftovers???
Hugo: No, because I'm not a quitter.

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Alternate Wyatt Quitter visiting for the rest of the season apparently.

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Petite info, si vous comptiez regarder Samurai Flamenco, sachez que la série va quitter le catalogue de le 31 mars prochain ! Il vous reste donc 2 semaines pour en profiter :)


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I realized being shy and being a tank doesn't mesh but I'm not a quitter

8 11

quitter quitter they're our hitter
(surprisingly the tacos colors were unintentional here, as i was not even aware until recently that purple and yellow are used by the tacos.)

18 55

// gore, blood
Wyatt Quitter, up to bat for the Shelled One's Pods?

3 8

Demain ( si tout va bien ) Star Info sur une superbe histoire concernant Anakin et sa volonté de quitter l'ordre jedi.
Aux alentours de 19h comme d'habitude !

Ps : merci encore une fois pour les 200k🖤

6 189

I just think they're neat.

Wyatt Quitter of

92 445

Quitters never win, Lambert. Himbo werewolf Geralt would happily stuff you full of winning.

17 80

Pendant que je faisais des Feuilles d'Or sur SoulSilver, Solange le Minisange est apparue en seconde phase après 2139 REs ! Elle est splendide et me permet enfin de quitter la Route 2 !

Plus qu'à avancer et profiter ! La prochaine shasse sur Bouclier devrait être Larméléon...

5 44

PokéNection Quitters and Corruption

Mustard quit when a Chairman offered to rig a match. Peony quit after his brother became chairman. Rose sponsored Leon to the point of 'raising him'.

With this in mind, this might imply Leon's unbeaten win streak was a result of nepotism.

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Squitter's sprite is so unassuming compared to his horrifying render

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