画質 高画質

art! Harga komersil untuk ilustrasi kaya begini berapa ya pasnya? Mohon sarannya gais takut matok harga kemurahan atau kemahalan 🙏

115 2300

Artist! Minta pendapat kalian dong, menurut kalian ini keliatan udah ok atau masih kaku? (Masih wip)
Sender jg minta Kritik dan sarannya sekalian Yaa 🙏


0 7

Babu! Party Eula kayak gini gimana guys? Atau ada yang lebih ok? boleh sarannya

0 1

Babu! Kalau team comp kayak gini udah oke belum ya atau ada yang perlu diganti? Sama sekalian rotasinya gimana ya bu mohon sarannya

0 0

temen2 artist! sender minta sarannya bolehh ga, menurut kalian ini anatominya gimanaa? soalnya sender merasa kurang srek tapi bingung mau dirubah gimana 😭

p.s sender lagi belajar anatomi 🙏🙏

0 31

Artist! Mohon kritik dan sarannya teman2🙏

0 12

Artist! menurut kalian art style aku pasarannya berapa ya? aku bingung bangeeett

0 4

Art! haloo guyss bole minta sarannya dong buat range harga commis lokal&inter buat style kaya gini🥺 baru pertama kali mau buka commis jadi butuh beberapa refrensi harga💗 TIA🥺

0 5

Babu! Boleh saran 12-3 pake siapa aja phase 1 dan 2? Aku punya semua B4 KECUALI Kuki (bocah gamau pulang heran). Makasih sarannya!

0 0

Sakura Bloom Finana

1232 6722

Analysis - The suspicious (in)actions and silence of the elder gods.
Seth's tyranny went on for hundreds of years but none of the elder gods did anything. He's powerful but not powerful enough to take on all of them, so why didn't they stop him?

26 191

granny will help you

276 1730


Please visit the Carrd to access the links and FAQ: https://t.co/adFP7Kuh0M

30 80

The noble sacrifice of many Meos paved the way for a better world, free from the tyranny of the evil puppet master.🌙

42 107

Behold the mighty Rust Queen, leader of the shorescrubbers ZEALOTS clan and ruler of Tortuga city, SCARLET ! (Also granny of Ifa and Saatchi...). Seems that Wyatt and her have some history :) S2

27 252

not quite a ref, but not not one either. Ranny!

11 51

Destruction and Tyranny
Starting bid 0.5 $ETH
The original piece is animated.
The buyer will get an animated piece and a full-resolution print-size download.
I'll email it once purchased


24 50