Introducing Drupea (druid + pea)
Drupea spits toxic peas that make zombies reek with toxic stench. Zombies in a 3x3 area will be effected by a toxic aura and take small, but continuous damage while they're in the radius of the effected zombie.

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I drew some Reek and Maty after binging every episode. Im so happy season 4 is finally out, and im excites to watch the new episode tomorrow (today).If im not tired, tomorrow I'll draw something more dynamic.

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Happy new year everyone🎉, lang may yer lum reek!

Here's some photos of 's as seen from the top of a very cold and windy Blackford Hill. 🥳🎉🍾2⃣0⃣2⃣0⃣

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A comission for RocketRigby on FA! His face will reek of smelly armpit for days, probably...

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For all of my casual Star Wars fans: That’s not Boba Fett, that wasn’t IG-88, that wasn’t Bossk, that’s not Tatooine, that wasn’t a Reek, that wasn’t Y_______, but that is Nick Nolte

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나무를 닮은 릭(reek)과 양파, 그리고 통통한 야채들.

by Art hansen (1929 - 2017)

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lol wow. the reek of desperation for popularity

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You're reek of blood, my prince

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Hoping on a bandwagon, I reek of Teenage depression and Weeb trash💛💊🔥📼🌙👹♂
(art of Syrus is by Reyngarde on instagram)

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Summer Stinkin it up. Those poor shorts probbaly REEK!


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Rounding off we have so many old sayings going back generations.

A nod's as guid as a wink tae a blind horse!
Lang may yer lum reek!
Awa' n bile yer heid!

Translation? Nae tellin'!

Guid nicht!

2 5

Does Fox’s backstory reek of Vega/Claw vibes or what? Look:

- Narcissist
- Ladylike
- ❤️ beauty, 😡 all things ugly
- Bloody murder = turn-on
- Works for an evil organization
- Tragic story involving killed parent(s)

C’mon, can’t be the only one noticing 🤨

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jumping into the describe yourself with only 4 fictional characters bandwagon

they all reek of stubbornness, yikes ✨

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I FINALLY made a fully finalized ref of my big doofy fursona S'mores 🍫
Yes, she does reek of campfire smoke and dark chocolate all the time.

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i have no reason to show you mine you've seen it countless times but i reek of validation so

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Tales of an apprentice arcanaloth continued:

Be it the smell of burning mortal tallow while you write contracts into living flesh, or the reek of your thousandth batch of french fries that shift, certain smells just permeate your fur. *sneer*

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80% of my ocs reek of dumbass energy

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