I still miss Repliku
why can there be so many soras and xehanorts but only 1 riku? maybe in the next kingdom hearts game...

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please enjoy a gentle modern au repliku who just really loves his bff naminé

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Today we’re showcasing another great zine artist, Meat! Meat will be creating for Vanitas/Repliku. See an example of their work here, and check them out on Twitter !

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Say hello to Hino, another one of our amazing artists! They will be creating for Repliku/Vanitas. See an example of their work here, and check them out on Twitter , Tumblr , and Instagram

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"Wait!" Sora calls. Repliku stops.
"Being a fake, that doesn't matter anymore." He meant those words.

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Goofy asks Naminé if she can put back Riku's memory, just as she said she could do for them, but Naminé seems to imply this was unfortunately out of the question in his case.
Before she can say anything more, Repliku turns to walk away. They needn't worry about a fake like him.

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Marluxia only mocks the spectacle, gracefully summoning his scythe. If they let their hearts be bound to a "chain of memories born of lies," they weren't strong enough to face the reality of their pitiful existence. Even so, Sora & Repliku stand ready upon their hearts' command.

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Shortly after, Naminé humanely closes Repliku's unseeing eyes and moves him into a comfier position. She expresses deep regret over the hurt she caused him (WILL YOU STOP WITH THE GUILT TRIP T.T)
For some ~mysterious~ reason, Goofy says Sora is "nice" (やさしい-marked for later~)

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Repliku had likewise claimed to "remember" what was most important to him (post Riku-memory-rewrite), i.e. protecting Naminé, after having forgotten the comparatively "unimportant" things.

Later, Sora affirms, "The important (大事な) feelings/thoughts/wishes (想い) etched in the

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Larxene's severity fades away in the final moments when she's fading away (but don't worry, Larxene, you'll get to reunite with all your besties in Organization Rehash soon enough...).
Sora and co. turn their attention to Naminé, seated on the floor next to the fallen Repliku.

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Sora's weak plea to "Riku" goes unheeded—his opponent is set on "winning." He readies Soul Eater, deaf even to Naminé's plea to stop.
"Vanish, fake!!"
Naminé tightens momentarily as tho internally pained...and then she MAKES him stop.
A flash—Repliku collapses, expressionless.

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Repliku’s memory-rewriting, and more observations about other signs his (and Sora’s) memory of the *promise* to protect Naminé was based on Riku’s memory of a *promise* to protect Sora:
(Excerpts of interest below)

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Aaaaand now's a great time to talk some more about Repliku!
I'll repost here my thoughts about his protectiveness of Naminé I wrote about when analyzing hers and Marluxia's behavior regarding the *promise* just to keep the relevant things together.

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In the images are the outline of the Chain of Events showing how Sora and Repliku got their respective star charms, and when those charms became connected in their memory to the *promise*.

For both Sora and Repliku, Naminé used objects that were conveniently on hand to change

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Here's another of our wonderful contributers, Silver! He will be creating art for both Aqua/Cinderella and Repliku/Namine. You can find him on both Twitter and Instagram.

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A nice time with my Ink-replika

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The *Promise* ~ Some thoughts about meteor shower memory, its potential basis in reality (w/o going into CoM novel)
In addition to Sora & Repliku sharing a memory:
(clipping some points below)
~ The *promise* is one Marluxia & Naminé /have known about/. (see scene analysis above)

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