Tuesday bot is trying to get as far away from Monday as possible.

0 4

Friday bot is always ready with fresh baked cookies!

2 8

Thursday bot feels like he's never going to be done raking leaves.

0 3

Wednesday bot will take care of your rubbish!

3 4

Tuesday bot wishes he had a robot to do this for him.

0 3

Monday bot is about to introduce his face to the ground.

2 7

Thursday bot says good luck carving this turkey. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

3 10

Wednesday bot is hungry and ready for tomorrow.

4 10

Monday bot is prepared and ready to jump start his day.

2 7

Sunday bot says stay clear of the blast area!

0 2

Friday bot looks like a flying condiment dispenser. Perfect for lunch on the go!

0 2

Creepy crawly Thursday bot will sneak up on you.

2 5

Wednesday bot is here to retrieve those hard to reach items!

1 5

Tuesday's bot is good for something. I'm just not sure what.

0 3