introduced my leetel drow half-elf abjuration wizard, Coal in a Saltmarsh campaign! She has a fat raccoon familiar called Munch.
In the first session she ate a candied squirrel that drew the anger of a druid PC and accepted the quest a bush offered. Things are going well😂

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Here's my little softspoken Scottish Halfling Rogue from our Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign! Her name is Pearlwort. 🌼

A few sessions ago she was given a crown from the king of the Bullywugs so now she tells everyone she's a queen.

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Bluethroat & Shore Crab - amusing incident from my notebook. On the edge of the saltmarsh the Bluethroat darted from bush to bush & in the process startled a young Shore Crab that had been left stranded by the tide. The crab reacted to the movement by going into full threat mode!

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We have some great pirate characters from my furry Ghosts of Saltmarsh DnD game!

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Tonight we sail the seas in Surrender Yer Booty! Join the crew led by DM at 7PM PST as we prepare for the invasion of the Sahuagin against the Lizardfolk. Link Below:

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Current Apple WIP vs. her original design. Pirate life and a new baby have hardened her and I thought it time to have her abandon mountain clothes for some proper pirate attire. 🗡🏹🏴‍☠️

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-when the party’s over-

Our DM majorly dropped a tearbomb on us in our last session, and I had to draw a scene that happened that completely threw the whole party. I’m still on the verge of tears lmao 🙏

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i will learn how to paint if it’s the last thing i do! have a moody aukai looking out over the bow of her ship!

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Just want to put some good vibes into the world because it's been a rough day. My kenku's egg hatched in our last Saltmarsh session. We rolled the baby's name, color and sex the session before. Meet Crackle!

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And for my dudes, Kerym, my water genasi from a Saltmarsh DND game is like one of my longest running OCs, massive idiot himbo, and says a lot about my tastes LMAO

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Exciting August 'fall' of migrant birds in NE winds - pages from a rather soggy sketchbook. Good no.s Pied Flycatchers & other migrants. Icterine Warbler balancing on a tern enclosure rope, Greenish Warblers discovered on the beach, in a saltmarsh creek & in suaeda bushes

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Today’s offering- two versions of the same image of the salt marsh near Cley. Probably overworked them both but I prefer the second, slightly loser version.

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tip: D&D is not some high art form that has all sorts of prerequisites to play. Don't let that assumption keep you from having a good time. All you need is some friends, dice, snacks and a few hours! Art: "Entering Saltmarsh," by Zoltan Boros

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Ya es viernes, peda, gastar gastar dinero

La party después de recibir su paga por mantener Saltmarsh a salvo

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feelin good about aukai’s Look™️ (bonus silhouette studies to figure out what i wanted)

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Saltmarsh is fun and so is whatever this dynamic is shaping up to be

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I didn’t really like what I drew today so here’s one from a couple of days ago. The salt marsh between Blakeney and Cley. Graphite and watercolour.

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Our Saltmarsh campaign is continueing online because of the rona, so I had to make a quick token of my Bloodhunter Gnoll Four ✌️🥰

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