Muy tarde pero no podía faltar la ver. de ryuseitai, los qm ❤️💙💚💛🖤

1 3

"O Nathaniel me explicou que as máscaras não podem agir baseado no que elas sabem do futuro, mas ele pode. (...) Era como se ele soubesse que se eu entrasse para a seita, poderia fazer alguma coisa contra os escriptas... Contra Kian, especificamente."



Wait a minute

58 916

The results revealed today are as follows:

fine: Tanabata (with Valkyrie)
Trickstar: Band Ensemble
Ryuseitai: Repayment Festival
Valkyrie: Repayment Festival (with Ra*bits)

28 76

20. 3rd MV outfit voting results!

fine: Quarrelfes
Trickstar: Daikagura
Ryuseitai: Tanabata
Eden: Summer live (Adam will be given new 3* level outfits)

20 69

Il di ricorda che oggi torna la gratuita.
🖼Si potrà entrare senza biglietto anche a ,

❓Chi è nella al centro del soffitto?
A) Dedalo
B) Icaro
C) Ganimede


6 22

It's already 30 in Japan so today (and tomorrow) is Kanata Shinkai birthday!! I did my annual birthday fanart, this time with all Ryuseitai members ❤️💙💚🖤💛

7 25

kanata making mackarel chocolate, midori freaking out bc of said mackarel, midori going insane bc no one in ryuseitai (except him) can cook decently, and shu (who is also going insane bc of the rest of ryuseitai), all in one chapter

230 563

Então esse é o joguinho de seita que vocês tanto falam?

10 27

Seita, the cafe patissier, is a sweet hearted idealist who was drawn to the boss due to his desire to make people happy! He is overall very self assured and empathetic, with a childish side. He is the one who asks Emiko to work at the cafe!

4 13