before and after a trip to sephora

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This afternoon I went to Sephora to spend all my money because apparently I cannot help it, and there was a DJ who played ‘No Scrubs’ and I lost my shit.

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バンコクのSEPHORAで FENTY BEAUTYというコスメブランドのコレクションビジュアルがいいなと思って つられていくつか買った THREEとかCOSのミニマルさにほどよく海外ならではのギラつきが混ざってる リアーナプロデュースで最近始まったブランドとのこと

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Ils bossent avec beaucoup de marques, comme Sephora par exemple

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roomies and I went to Sephora today and got a haul,,,and also put me in makeup I felt real strong @ the beach

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The mystery of Sephora

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Boyfriend: "Let's go to Sephora"

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Quand on t'annonce que t'as déjà utilisé ta carte cadeau sephora...#moi

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Sang got a job at Sephora but quits in a wk bc the uniform doesn't match his aesthetic and no one leaves him alone

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Sephora : une mise en beauté par Malika Favre via

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