Muita gente me perguntou quantas temporadas de Bleach irão chegar na HBO Max e se todas irão estar dubladas, então, eu perguntei para a assessoria :P

A assessoria falou que vai confirmar e assim que souber eles me falam, quando isso acontecer eu posto aqui, tá? 💜

22 559

É porque 3 ainda tão na escola, um é político, outro assessor de político, um tá na vida dupla, aí sobra só dois. Um deles pelo menos tem kkk

0 0

Sasari - she is a succubus >:)
She looks cute, but she is the possessor of the fetish of sadism, be careful...

43 238

Tempest by Sesson Shukei, 16th century

18 85

Did these AWHILE ago but never shared. Just some film studies I did of my favorites from last year. I had an idea to do one for each film I watched but OOF no way it was just too much so I just quit completely after these (Possessor, The Shining, and The Wolf of Snow Hollow)

1 6

Happy Birthday to resident Ara Ara lady of Border, obsessor over the letter 'K' and captain of Kako Squad, Nozomi Kako!

3 9

Soggy Playtime ~

Sesso and dyno get me so in the naughty mood ~w~ their pairing is so good ~

15 100

🚨 A assessoria da HBO Max confirma que Venom: Let There Be Carnage, e Morbius chegam em 2022 ao streaming.

160 3848

'Sakura, la caçadora de cartes' va ser doblada l'any 2000 als estudis Soundtrack, i el va comptar amb la direcció del gran Jordi Vilaseca, la traducció d'Anna Matamala i l'assessor lingüístic, Jordi Quiles. Actualment és de les poques coses en català a Netflix.

17 75

So sesso is getting a new game eh?

0 0

Backlog commission for of Antarran, , and Obsessor as the cast of Ni No Kuni

23 67

The Space Stone-Host QUANTUM and the ASSESSOR are back – you know it doesn't bode well for Miles or Shift.

Their only hope? The Beyond Corporation.

0 1

Confused Imp

Aww sesso seems to be introducing him to his new uniform :D

45 278

Here is the day 29 drawing, the headless possessor.

3 12

"Made from the fallen Lord of the Underworld and the legendary warrior Waddle Dee, this dark phantom is but a shadow of its host and a mirror image of its possessor. It craves only power and lusts for revenge, reflecting the desires of the dark star that lies deep inside..."

10 19

Qui per dirvi che Wattpad mi ha segnalato il disegno di Yoongi perché non appropriato quando non si vede nulla, ma okay ci sta è quello più “spinto”, ma okay scrivere le scene di sesso esplicite; gli altri due disegni sono stati ritenuti non appropriati per altri social
Io boh

0 4

Il con Croce Rossa Italiana garantiranno tamponi rapidi al prezzo calmierato di 5 euro per il rilascio del
⚠️Esclusivamente per i possessori di biglietto o pass di ingresso al Salone

Da giovedì 14 ottobre fino a lunedì 18 ottobre

2 9

second of two pieces for "Al the Dragon Obsessor"'s commission, this is a rough sketch/base color of Garette, a unique character! Hopefully the location will be very familiar to fans of the series :)

1 3

Finished this a bit ago, but forgot to share it here! esh! This is Al-Pha, an original dragon from "Al the Dragon Obsessor" (who you can find on Amnio)! Finally getting more done with backgrounds, and it really brings the piece to life heh.

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Spooky sesson means a return of demon mei

0 8