Here my entry for Finally i did my first uwu~

Congrats buat 500++ followers nya, kak Shaa! 💕

8 20

Mumpung masih pagi, setor dtiys dulu punyanya 😆 haloo gud mowning...
Selamat untuk pencapainnya Shaa.. moga makin bahagia n keren di masa depan 😍👍
This is my entry for moga suka anaknya kuutak-utik xixixi 🏂 she is pretty n pretty 😻

11 26

This is my entryfor 🙃🙃🙃

Btw, congrats for your 500+ foll yakkkk!!
Hope u like it, sha heheheh
Maap si rui kubuat menangess wqwq

4 19

2nd i join on
suka banget ama chara milik pemilihan tone untuk pakaiannya fresh bgt bikin jernih di mata 👁️👄👁️ hope you like it 😳😳

23 59

HELLO ✨ I'm Shaa, 19 y.o artist from 🇮🇩
I love drawing portrait illustration with cute and prettyy decors! 💘



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First time joining dtiys, gapernah berani karena takut ngerusak anak-anak orang🤣
Here's my first ever dtiys, rui anaknya

1 17

Selamat 500 followers shaa skrg udah 600+🎉😍

repost karena ada yang kelupaan so sorry🤧🤧🤧
hope you like it~

9 30

joining 's dtiys seru bgt nyobain pallete baru😆💖

5 31

Joininh 's 👀👀✨ genderbend ver.✨👄✨,, color pallette nya agak kurang mirip ya ಥ‿ಥ💦??,, gpplah ಥ‿ಥ🙏💦✨,, Hope you like itt shaa ⊙﹏⊙💗💗

18 63

Hellow! Bluu join ke dtiys nya
Hooray! Congratsss for 500+ nya shaaa!!!!

19 80

I did my first of 's work 😍 langsung kepikiran mau ikutan liat Rui nya cantik banget 😍😍 i hope you like it.

2 9

My entry for 🥰.
I had so much fun while drawing this.
Although I frustrated in the beginning because of my lack of skill 😅
Anyway, Congrats for 500++ followers 👏👏👏👏👏

Today's TMI: This is my first dtiys

3 7

Haiii akuu Shaa, aku suka gambar portrait Illustration, ayoo mutualaann 😁🥰💕💓

19 94

Joining ✨⛄
Congrats for 500+ followers ♥️ first time nyoba gambar ala ala winter dan seruu bangett apalagi ruinya cantikk ❄️✨ maaf ya olafnya nimbrung coz im in love with olaf🥺✊

7 53

ikutan dari
warna soft banget jadi aku kek takut mo make warnanya krn kek fragile(?) gitu 😂 aku jarang bgt pake warna soft huhuhu tapi bagus jg yaa

8 33

My entry for 's dtiys ⛄
Congratulations Shaa!! Here's Rui with blue gloves, I really enjoy drawing her (。’▽’。)♡

6 37

❄ Join the !! ❄

I really enjoy draw winter oc, Rui! she is so soft and beautiful 😚also congrats on ur 500++ followers & hope it'll grow fast 🌠

enjoy! & lmk if there are any thought abt this 👇😳

7 26