A piece I made of my Demon Hunter that's semi finished? More finished than most of my pieces at least!

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These are just some of my current WIPs since I haven't posted much. Which one would you like to see finished?

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finished? semi study thing idk

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First tweet with sum old(ish) rks art I never finished?!? Omg - 🌟

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I'm gonna be doing Pokemon Smash or Pass. Who will be passed and who is Smashed? Find out today on Twitch.
Link in next tweet

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Is it finished? No. Did I run out of steam? Yes. Do I still think it’s rad as hell? Absolutely. Light Eater

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unfinished? yes; do I care? no

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Who said you could touch my Booba and get away without beeing punished?

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Gm! When do you know your painting is finished? For me, it's when I don't feel the need to add more details 💚😂

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should I rescue them from the graveyard of drawings that I never finished?

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ayo half way to goal 1 and I got 1 drawing finished?! This was quite the day. Plus I was raided by and honored me with their community 💕We raided into and now i'm hungry oho~

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086. Boom Box
"What if the crates from Crash Bandicoot rebelled against being smashed?
That's why they choose to go out with a blast!

The bay is filled with these explosive sentient crates,
they really don't mind risking themselves, if it helps ensure the duo's fates."

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Unfinished? fanart. Wishing you a lovely day!

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The Drone Bomb Maker, inspired by Vermeer’s Lacemaker and , this scene of fella domestic tranquility, poses the age old art question: is it finished? Oil on linen,28 x 23cm. 2/4

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well, here we go again if this one has the same or more likes than the 1st one I will make 2 more.. depending on the response.. I will include Krillin

Does anyone want to see this finished? and a couple more?

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Watercolour Practice (8/10)


Probably my favourite of the ones I finished? Makes sense since its one of the last ones I did. I'd like to think thats means i'm getting better? >_>

...God I hope such a statement doesnt shoot me in the foot by making the next picture terrible

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I think they're finished? They might get a redesign further down the line since I think I could do better but for now, I still think they're cute. I had fun with the brushes and I didn't have the energy to do a proper kimono design.

Thank you to everyone who commented! https://t.co/98mFVWGzRr

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Finished? this on stream today any who thank you everyone who hung out!

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Are you looking for something like a concept pieces for visual development, maybe like this, but not this finished? More details are welcome. Thanks!

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