Marc Silvestri draws one hell of a Wolverine.

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Nascer do sol entre a vegetação
Por do sol a beira mar com flores silvestres

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Silvester's final results came in, it appears that while his kidney ARE malfunctioning, we're in time to treat him to avoid a possible failure. He's gonna have to follow a strict low protein diet and take meds from today on, but he'll be alright! 💖

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"Haze has been sold at 0.1588 ETH

Character: Haze
Skin: Ghost
Consciousness: Pink Neuro
Eyes: Florecitas Silvestres Green
Mouth: Full Teeth Orange
Mouth Creature: Eye See You Pink

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Il mio nemico non ha divisa | ama le armi ma non le usa | nella fondina tiene le carte Visa | e quando uccide non chiede scusa...
"Il mio nemico"
Daniele Silvestri

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Medi, Seirumi and Winona by !
Essek (dragon) by !
Matteo by !!!
Silvesse and Chip by !!

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Marc Silvestri, Joe Weems & Marco Galli snapped on Emma in this art. She looks so beautiful here 😍

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1-Fave artist as kid: Marc Silvestri- I learned to draw, copying him.
2-Fave artist as adult: Tony Daniel- he's a beast.
My prefs in art have expanded due to my evolving interests in Photography/Film-making & Videogames.
Your questions get me pumped. Lol

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sigo revolcándome en un campo de flores silvestres porque bingqiu están tomados de la mano

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Ya he terminado con el color de KAYA.
Edita Astiberri este año.

En lo que va de 2022 he coloreado las 138 páginas de KAYA y otras 241 (134 de esas en equipo con Mar Silvestre) para series USA.

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Thanks and all the creators of Sergal’s. I simp so hard for Rain Silves, she queen that is all, I am prepared to fight 😂😂

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New XMen
Morrison and Silvestri

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Hey Here's the track of the day for your upcoming games session including I'll probably play this weekend!
"A Small Price" by Alan Silvestri for the Avengers: Infinity War movie is a great background music for building up light tension.

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So many people shaped me...
-My linework: (comicartist pro secrets on YT)

-For shadows: &

-For body movement: photographer:

-Concept art: (Design Cinema on YT)

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Ok, who else here is for Polaris’s glow up?

Also, Pepe Larraz has officially joined the echelon of top tier X-artists like Cockrum, Byrne, Smith, JRJr, Paur Smith, Silvestri, Jim Lee, Alan Davis, & Frank Quitely. Just fucking stellar stuff.

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Detrás de su amoroso aspecto se esconde la pesadilla de miles de hortelanos. Este Pokémon acostumbrar a colarse en los huertos buscando bayas con las que llenar sus carrillos cuando ha acabado con las de los árboles silvestres.


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