画質 高画質

My sneepy Stargazer babu my friend doodled for me the other day we hangout offline tgt and i slapped some colours on

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A peek at a VRC base I am working on! I slapped on some temporary colors to assist me while modeling, and I am really happy with how its going ^u^ I have also reverted back to 3D beans because they are irreplaceably squishy-looking hehe

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"G'aaawww, don't make me blush!"
its official guys
idrk if i wanted to post it on any big fic sites so i just slapped it on a twitlonger for now

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slapped these together real fast

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It's generic company twitter messages slapped over something that doesn't need it

Anyway when your friend asks if you made any new years resolutions 😍👽

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I literally slapped a bunch of accessories on this character and was like ✨bro✨
I definitely like this look too much. In the very beginning I wanted to make like a Valentines themed cat, but then I won the Postmaster hat and I went for like a mailman kinda aesthetic.

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Wanted to take a lil time to do something fun c: So here be my coloring for 's Color challenge x3

I only slapped color and a simple BG on it

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I tried a different pen and coloring style. Even slapped up a simple background.

Xiaoli the day after she was cursed with flesh.

I definitely want to try out some styles now that I have some time and see where it takes me.

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Slapped some colour on for the bants

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I’ll be a barbarian! And I’m in the current process of coming up with her backstory, but I slapped this together real quick if it helps!

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Traveler Hakashi

(this ain’t a new design, I just slapped a cloak on him)

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Slapped on some quick colours while I procrastinate 2402482 other tasks.

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these doodles took off on deviantart so i slapped some colour on them for the sake of not having black-and-white sketches in my main gallery


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got my mojo back tonight. get slapped. with that, I'm going to bed.

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Well, Flight Rising made them, but I bred for these ones in particular through a lot of generations for some of them, and then slapped clothes on a few. The vivid one's gone through a breed change, but Ziddim is still bright and vibrant as always!

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very fast slapped together sketch ref xD might change their name though idk

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Didn't know what to do with it. Feeling so blah about finishing pieces lately.
Slapped a gradient map on and called it done.

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rare drop rate boosts are a lie, and by that i mean i got more shit boostless than any run i slapped boosts on

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