"Don't stop! Run! You gotta protect Nezuko! Even if it means getting slashed by him at the same time!" - Tanjiro

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“💢Ehehe... you... you’re definitely going to be slashed now. No mercy! “

She would ready her blade

“ You are mistaken if you presume simple flattery would be enough for a saber hunter to let you go slashed free. “ https://t.co/r9xdbDKxCn

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“ It was a battle cry! Heroine X took my signature saber yell so I needed to use a new line. That’s why I decided on Okita! “

She would cross her arms in response.

“ None of you would understand. That said— you’re my prey and you’ll be slashed here and now, lancer. “ https://t.co/BD1Hdrld6O

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“ Gwah—!! “

Knocked back, Z would swipe her blade to her side.

“ N-Nya?! More importantly, why did you block my attack?! You were meant to be slashed! “ https://t.co/zBVRZaG4GT

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“ Another Okita?! That’s it—!! I’ve been nice but it’s time for half of you to be slashed. “

Her blade unsheathed as she held a defensive stance

“ Line up and prepared to be slashed, Okita Souji!! “

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“ Hmph, you wouldn’t understand. Nothing like that would ever happen! You’re just jealous that I chose to be his apprentice and not yours. That said— “

A blade unsheathed

“ It’s time I slashed a certain Musashi to prevent any further interventions. “ https://t.co/mCcFbWyCaS

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“ An Artists eye, huh? Pointless in a battle. That said—!! “

Z would stand back up, and swiping her blade to the side.

“ I’ll let you go for now, but be warned. The next I see you in a saber form, you’ll be slashed without resistance. You too, Octopus! “

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“ Of course. Saber’s are my enemy and I have to slash down all of them, including you! You decided to become a saber to betray me. Now, prepare to be slashed!! “

Unsheathing her blade, she would jump and attempt to slash at her.

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“ Can’t you all see the increase in Okita and Youmu population?! This is exactly why I slash them. Don’t stand in my way or you’ll be slashed too! “

Her blade unsheathed.

“ This. Ends. Here! “

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Page 22 of sees falcon getting his helmet slashed by gorohs sword!!

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“ Hmph, I was more concerned about your sneaky entrance into our room. Agh... I knew I should’ve stayed watch at night! “

Z would point at the new servant

“ Listen servant—!! Unlike you or the others, I’m the strongest warrior here. One mistake and you’ll be slashed! “ https://t.co/5TBDrbzmXz

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“ Once I complete my mission, I’ll be leaving this place and hunting elsewhere. Unfortunately, circumstances say otherwise. “

A brief sigh

“ Okita, As a servant yourself, you’re aware that we won’t last forever. Whether or not I’m slashed by a rival, I have a responsibility. “ https://t.co/6GqXPyKojL

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Sorry to be a bit MIA recently, I just started a new job and I’m in the process of moving into my new home! Here’s a sketch I did of a new character of mine I’m trying to get all slashed out

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“ E-Eh?! An order?! F-Fine... I suppose I’ll keep an eye on her for a little. I would hate to see her slashed by my other rivals anyway... “

Her blade is unsheathed

“ Hmph, now then... where do I begin? “ https://t.co/EDl40D60Kv

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“ I had over 20 clones all sent out at once to surround her. Before they could even attack, she slashed all of them in a single swing. “

Z began to shiver

“ I-I’ve never seen anyone use a technique like that—! “ https://t.co/4RtUIgGg73

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“Agh...! Not you too!! Stand down, Avenger! Gray must be slashed. She is a saber face in disguise.”

Standing her ground, her blade is pointed at Jalter’s neck.

“Interrupting my work will result in punishment. Know your place! No one can save her.” https://t.co/6pFF5x4Lq1

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“Nng... why must Taōki be so difficult?! Tell me who Mitsu is. She must be slashed! A sign, a direction!”

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I'm precious when it comes to my poetry, but one image inspired me to pick up the pen. Then I cut and slashed it with . Long story short, I PUBLISHED MY FIRST POEM EVER, called Tina Turner Holds Herself Together, for .

Read: https://t.co/L79lejnMYk

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...of mutant kind. One by one, the entire team falls to Nimrod's assault.

Even Logan, whose berserker rage has slashed the X-Men out of more than one corner, proves ineffective against Nimrod's excessive strength.

Kitty makes her own attempts at disarming...

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