jelly-streber is fine, although Kevin was very scared. I love making little silly candybats comics

95 1119

last doodle of the night, I'm very normal about these 2
IGNORE how goofy my handwriting looks :'(

56 391

Gotta post something and now I'm out ✌🏻

7 73

Meet the marmalade (or jelly) Streber!
I think the Kevin cake comic has gone too far. We should create a new AU if it doesn't already exist

88 931

Some bodies practice;)
Originally it's was supposed to be streber only but I thought on drawing the others too.

2 8

At first I wanted to draw Kevin, but I know how much you all love Kevin cake
*bites him*

77 914

More sourcandy content in honor of
More of my Kevin n Rick Au with their kid. Also getting an update as to what Wren looks like when they get older ‼️‼️💥 (idk what else to write rahhh)

18 68

I already feel better and drew this so you don't get bored without my art. Maybe I'll do something else today

21 335

I ended up attempting to draw kevin too however he still looks a lil funky...
(I'll for sure draw them more)

4 55

Lil animation of the boy :D
Also gonna start callin the au angel candy :)

6 39