It’s Take care of yourself & spread some love today. We’re excited to be coming to Webtoon where there are so many stories & artists that tackle the topic of mental health. We’ll do our best to spread positivity & encouragement through Bunnie’s story.

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Your feelings are valid! Don't be afraid to reach out to someone you trust and have a about your

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It’s — something very close to my heart. Life can be hard, and it can be even harder to talk about feelings sometimes. But reach out, if you can, to whoever you feel you can.

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The vast majority of people I know have sincerely considered suicide. You may feel isolated,like a failure, or hopeless, but please know there are far more of us who understand & love you than you can fathom atm. You’re not alone. You are loved. Hugs

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It’s and if you are struggling, I want you to know I believe in you.

A year and a half ago I was ready to throw in the towel and check out early (to mix metaphors a bit). Instead I asked for help. Now I am sober, healthy, and alive. It gets better. ❤️

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These paintings are as close as I can get to explaining how depression & anxiety make me feel. I painted them a few days ago when I was at my lowest I’ve been in 2 years. If you don’t know how it feels for your loved one, just ask. It helps.

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Don’t give up. 💕 You never know what might happen later in your story.

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We have teamed up w/ Caleidoscope Counselling to help improve mental health & reduce suicide/self-harm in our local community with this day of healing, therapy & music - all for free and open to all


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it’s national suicide prevention day, let’s end the stigma. i’m here for ANYONE who needs it. it doesn’t matter if we’re complete strangers. please get help. your life has so much value.

list of international suicide hotlines:

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There is always light even in the darkest of places; even when it’s not your own light, there are always other lights from those around you to help you through the dark; you are loved, you are worth it, you are enough. We will get through this, together

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Today is If someone you know is struggling, start a conversation - it could save their life. We have a guide to Oxfordshire's help organisations, including , and at

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Today is & September is Month. According to new figures from the , one person dies by every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. Though this number is declining, more needs to be done in order to stop this preventable death.

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Today is the start of

To keep spreading awareness, honoring my sister and the many others who have died from suicide I'm introducing the new tee ❤️

20% of all proceeds will be donated to

DM to order

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The enemy is silence so let's spread the word and let people know it's okay not to be okay and that they are not alone ♥

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Here's the finished painting from last nights stream for . This is how I visualize the concept of feeling weighed down. Or when you feel held back by your own thoughts.

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Today is Mental health and suicide prevention is something that hits home for me. I know so many people who’ve attempted, a few who’ve lost their lives to suicide, and a ton of people who have been affected by the loss that it brings......

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