⭐️THE WAITING is a stunning achievement." - ⭐️ On Nov 2nd, he’ll talk with cartoonist Keum Suk Gendry-Kim about her work. RSVP: https://t.co/m2l2yupadE

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Lee Jong Suk

to me atleast 😂

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I was very busy this week and I just didn’t continue this October art dumb I said I would, but I finally got time today! Here’s Jae Suk as Steve from ST. The scoops ahoy outfit is just *chefs kiss*🤩

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New chapter is about understandment (Suk-un and Woo-in) and about BEING TOO CUTE FOR MY HEART (YS + JS)!
Just look at these:

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Mr. 100% Perfect! by Hobaen

Suk-Yun Kang
"...you are hiding the darkness inside of you."

where: Tapas

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adivinen que, vengo a dejar a todos mis ocs al estilo chibi del arb

> utena (aya)
> mi-suk
> hayami

se me olvida que utena su nombre original es aya pero como se me olvida la dejo como utena kahdva

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Aing teu boga kristal
😭Tapi mengingat chara reguler malah suk susah gacha nya

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ini kang fendi, doi leader m4suk 4ngin. hobi ngoplos tapi kalau lagi banyak duit doi beli anggur mahal

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May the spark in your eyes for us millions of fans, remain as we continue our journey together for much bigger success. You're just soo loved.

Happy Birthday Lee Jong Suk

My is life.

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✨🐰。o○(  ✨)

Lee Jong Sukさま🎂✨


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love me some old interpretation
j0h0r-ri4u design borrow from kak desa and l4ngk4suk4 from achan😔 💕💕💕

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Plant Science and Landscape Architecture faculty members Naomi Sachs and Byoung-Suk Kweon are part of a multidisciplinary team of researchers collaborating on a award to expand Wi-Fi infrastructure in regional urban greenspaces: https://t.co/r8bAfHC5rj

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สุขสันต์วันเกิดครบรอบ 50 ปีของศาสดายูแจซอกค่ะ


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