画質 高画質

Technically I have another one without the background.

Another one for the Midnas

304 2665

ok this didn't TECHNICALLY happen during fuu's stream but also didn't it?

125 1200

Do you know any techniques for repairing clothes?

68 414

Tho the 2020 is kinda misleading since Technically I drew stuff like this back then 😂 around 2018~ish. But this was when I was using photoshop

12 135

tehe! tim ini kaya abah jagain para bokem 😔 technically faru wawan tua sih TAPI TETEP AJA abah mengayomi anak2 😭

6 100

Gaudi left it unfinished so technically a rkgk?

2 9

2ha multiverse au
In cwn 4.0 world, his beloved disciple did not make it past ch 279, he didnt come back like 2.0, so cwn practiced forbidden techniques for a long time to find a world where Mo Ran still lives, just to look at his loved one once more…

337 1944

Suggestion sketch 34, Lash was developing a new technology to capture enemies but looks like the tests are not going how she hoped or they are...
Lash from Advance Wars

3 39

Ok so whats the concensus? is gudao a charlemagne-face or is charly a gudao-face?

And does that mean we include by technicality charlemagne as a rin-face as well?

4 64

4 Luciels technically means you get 8 people on this wallpaper! Enjoy all 4 paths with a PC and Mobile version, linked below!

PC: https://t.co/4AWEMpylCL
Mobile: https://t.co/cAw8PNFUJE

20 83

Ultimate technique

93 685

2020 v 2023 (post-splatoonification and upgrade from the colored shape background technique) https://t.co/stM7R6lssl

33 383

Technically not most recent but still counts to me https://t.co/19SE93jyti

18 127

i need help deciding on an alt expression for a self-indulgent OC charm!!!
but how does one find help when the "canon" is technically yours to decide...💀

feel free to vote anyways, and if friends want a copy of this charm, lmk too OTL

1 29


"I tried wearing a costume filled with future technology, but I wonder if it suits me?"

22 161

Thank you very much.
I am not sure how a fight in zero gravity would work.
Let's hope for future developments in science and technology.
I have an illustration of an alien I drew two years ago, which I would like to share with you.

4 15

I love when Adelia's ass is so fkin fat, she doesn't even "technically" sitting on chair, she is sitting on her own ass

53 599

BREAK EMOTION -Touhou Music Fes.-

2023/10/14(土) 14:00-21:00


5 7