Makes cute Teldryn button design mostly for myself

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Catboy Aegis & Teldryn bc I said so
Little meow meows

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Haven’t done some traditional painting in a while, here’s Teldryn! Easily my favorite dragon from my lair.

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Wanted to give Aegis & Teldryn another child so here she is (with Aeolus) Eurycleia (:

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Aegis discovers Teldryn is very ticklish on his neck

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Wanted to practice drawing chibis so here is Aegis/Teldryn petting Nixie :)

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A commission for 's dragonborn Aegis with his husband Teldryn Sero ☀️❤️
very cute request, thank you so much for the commission!

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The many expressions of Aegis & Teldryn

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teldryn sero!! hes my favorite follower in the game :D i nearly didnt recognise him without his helmet!

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I never talk abt the matching lockets Teldryn & Aegis keep that have pictures of each other in them 🤔

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Guess what? Teldryn and Aegis are married :) 💒

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(Modern au) Teldryn & Aegis go to the beach with their bapy Aeolus :) 🐠

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Carebear Teldryn and Aegis!!! 🧸

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Teldryn b like (lovingly watches Aegis gush abt magic stuff he likes)

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Decided to join prompt 17 (romance) with Telgis: a fisherman Teldryn who falls in love with merman Aegis 😳🧜‍♂️💘

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Teldryn & Aegis in Summerset 😌🌸

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Teldryn can’t cook but.. that doesn’t stop him from trying to make Aegis food

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Teldryn’s favorite gift to give to Aegis: flowers :) 🕊

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