i take it back actually; terezi being there when vriska wakes up just to slap her matters tremendously bcuz it is hilarious

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this injury tho is apparently what causes terezi to wake up in the dream world....

between this, john and sollux's awakenings, i wonder if some kinda severe trauma is actually a requirement to awakening in the dream world

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the way the comic depicts terezi's injury and her reaction to it is so fucking good (tho obviously looks way better in animation but whatever)

the dawning realization of what's happening and that she can't do anything to stop it is so beautifully portrayed in her expressions

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the first thing we see is how terezi became blind

vriska, after being exploded by terezi's revenge plot, uses her mind control to control tavros, then uses HIS animal mind control to control terezi's dragon to guide terezi out into the sun and stare directly into it

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terezi having a scratch and sniff modus is extremely funny

i'm curious if we'll get to see all the trolls' moduses. they all just have jokey moduses cuz they don't have enough screentime to justify putting thought into their inventory systems, but i still wanna see 'em

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I'd say like Vanny, Terezi, GLaD0S, and Aubrey (specifically Dream World).

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I really wanna redo this Terezi but for now it's fiiine

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vriska has a palantir which originally belonged to doc scratch before it became lost to him (a fact that he is not happy about). paranoid by terezi's ominous warnings of incoming revenge, vriska consults the palantir for guidance

this was a bad idea

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I regret to inform you all that I used to be an avid homestuck fan so have this while I atone for my sins

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gawd could u imagine if the narration typed like the trolls' dialogue. that shit would be unreadable

anyway we already know terezi rules but here we learn she LOVES LARPING, DRAGONS, AND PLUSHIES just so u know she's THE BEST

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terezi joining the live karkat reaction made me fucking lose it this shit is SO GODDAMN FUNNY

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somthn that was interesting to me earlier but forgot to point out was that in one of karkat's convos with john he establishes that him and terezi share a physical space

apparently they're not the only ones. it's like a wholeass troll tech support center up in here

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terezi helped him fix the broken shitty one he made earlier, and now he's using it to cheat his way to the final boss

i hope he'll be alright :T

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The eleventh cool neoprn user OTD is terezi pyrope from homestuck! Scale uses she/he/scale/lick (hc) and is bi (canon) demiro greyace transmasc and agender (hc)

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