heißt das Gebot der Stunde. Im ein paar Tipps, was ihr dazu tun könnt. Und solltet, denn so können wir das Gesundheitssystem entlasten, Zeit für die Forschung gewinnen und Angehörige von Risikogruppen schützen.

3 3

🚨Unfortunately we have decided to postpone until the fall🚨

A networking event doesn’t allow opportunities for to slow and we don't want to add to the strain our health system is under.

Please stay safe and help Thanks all💙

4 5

To slow the spread of everyone is asked to engage in "social distancing".

As a politician (who loves people!) but is actually an introvert, I feel like my moment to really shine has finally arrived. 😶#SocialDistancing

38 131

When I was 8 mo. pregnant, I got pneumonia. Bad. Had to hook up to a machine several times a day to breathe. Luckily, my son was born on time. The book I wanted to write during that pregnancy is now published. If you can, stay home! Babies + mamas thank you!

2 40

Laven bien sus manos y practiquen el distanciamiento social! Wash your hands and practice social distancing! Let's all help to

6 21

Okay gang, here's the game.

It's not that this coronavirus will make you super sick. (If you catch it, the chances are it will be a mild sickness.)

The game is called "Don't overwhelm our healthcare services."
It's also called

Here are the rules:

249 285

COVID-19 : tout le monde se demande quoi faire, sur qui se fier, s'il faut paniquer ou l'ignorer. J'ai utilisé ma passion des "board games" pour faire un petit résumé.

216 311

"Why are events getting canceled if there's only a few cases of in the KC area?"

Taking steps early to prevent the spread of disease can keep it from spreading fast and overwhelming HC systems.

Graphic from

59 97

Warum werden wegen Veranstaltungen abgesagt? Weil wir verhindern müssen, dass die Zahl der Infizierten weiter steigt.
Damit wir Zeit gewinnen, Therapien zu finden, damit Helfer*Innen verschnaufen können & Risikogruppen geschützt werden

275 1058

A useful GIF for explaining Don't panic. Stop touching your face. Practice social distancing when possible. Wash your hands.

115 137

Play your part to minimise the impact of

Act now to

367 508

I dont think this documentary is about the earth at all, but about the human condition. The last 9 min of the documentary are crucial.

0 0

Don’t confine him! No one’s looking for a vampire cat! 🧛‍♂️

8 22