Eyooo, it's me again. I'm here to share about the word of Kite-sama. Amen. May your eyes be blessed by Kite-Sama
from Japansinks2020. And holey crap, he's apparently Trans?!?! I'm just.. I stan this dud so much

8 26

Hello! Are you nb or trans? Want to help me make a zine of the beautiful and diversity of being not cis? Please send me your face! I want to draw it!! For free!!!

34 52

i was playing warioware gold and i just noticed... WARIO TRANS?!?! the gay agenda IS real

15 65

May I suggest, your honour, the characters that made kids across the world realise they were trans?

0 8

Am I trans or am I forcing myself to be trans?

It's hard to answer but I know last weekend I was by and I didn't forced myself I just was myself and even called myself girl and like I said I didn't forced that so yeah

0 2

Amo headcanons mas vocês sabiam que snk tem canonicamente um personagem trans?


15 80

Me? Drawing Stone without making him trans? That's a legend that never will come true

6 26

lil doodle of Muq's Arthur with his puss out. Gee Muq how come your Arthur gets to be blonde AND trans? very excited to see how twitter crops this

3 9

"What if she was trans?" and well.

That's how we got here. An old friend now not-so-much told me, when modeling my fursona...

"A Fursona should be what you would choose to be under ideal circumstances. An idealized version of yourself."

He was right. >

0 3

Hey guys, did you know already that Buttons is trans? Cuz I sure as hell wouldn't have noticed with this, what, is it the third most reiteration of her sona?

"Look guys, I'm trans, have you noticed? I'm trans trans trans!!!!! NOITICE MEEEEEYYYYY!!!!"

0 2

Here’s a self-portrait.

Any questions for me about being trans? Yes, Cis people, it’s that rare opportunity to ask a trans question and I’ll *try* to answer! Also, if you’ve done a self-portrait recently, post it in the comments! 🥳🥳🥳

6 97

At 's suggestion, I drew a Mitsuzune in a lovely hat! The hat was the only part of the request, so there's a clothing optional alt!

Flat-Chested, or trans? It's your choice!

1 7

Wanna know who else is trans? This guy right here

0 3

Did you know it is now officially legal in the United States for a healthcare worker or provider to deny a transgender person healthcare on the basis of their being trans? wtf That is not ok.

99 200


also i will just destroy those damb lobotomy freaks for turning this cute nerdy happy kid into someone so sad and broken ;-;

0 1

Mm what if I took Ronan, made him Bigger AND made him trans? Here's Ronan

0 8

i just noticed one thing...eng trans? HUH? what WHAT WHAT idk IDK

1 38