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batmanhatechips has supported the site with 270 days of Trovesaurus Gold - Thanks <3

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The best art creates discussion, is controversial, divisive, and pushes the boundary of what is considered art. AI art is just that. Want to play safe? Go draw mushrooms and kitty cats.

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Vamo'a hacer esto.
Yo en el cole era de los q se solia sentar en medio, pero como era tranquilo, los profes me mandaban para atrás. Yo soy introvertido, así q mis relaciones sociales eran pocas pero si tenia amigos.

Como era más inteligente, las tareas las hacia el mismo día xd.

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The Creature series on MP

People series on FND

The Introverted Octopus series on Objk

Life series on Objk

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Cside fish the villain AU!!!
(Fish is fascinated by the BOSS and Beika doesn't like it)(An episode that may be controversial among viewers)

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Yo era la chica que le gustaba el anime, videojuegos, hacia cosplay y se sentaba al frente del pupitre del profe para dormirme en su cara xD
No entregaba tareas, me ponía al día cuando tocaba revisión y las extrovertidas me adoptaban.
De alguna forma, los profes me tenían aprecio https://t.co/37MuHOLGzc

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introverted and extroverted groups.

Jenna & Willa: Why is she with my gf?
Emma & Enid: Guys, are you okay?

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Remember the pink haired lady? Here is her twin! She is more extroverted and she doesnt hide what she thinks about >:D

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Come to think of my crack ship is literally extrovert x introvert

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forget lyss. shnee's glow-up is now the most controversial thing in CoB

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Wait i did this like a few years ago amd had no idea it wild end up being controversial wtf https://t.co/Ad2134XUj2

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when mochen first moved into his apartment in ohio, he acted much different than he does now. he was snarky, annoying and uses 4channer terms. now hes reserved, introverted and quiet, much like he was when he was a child.

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And look who it is! It's our succubus who once claimed to be... khm))
Anyway - here's voxel ally made for Trove that is based on Luto from PRISM Project!

Link to download the Trove mod is below!

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Violet is introverted and her introspection is deep. They say she hides out of modesty. It's not. She hides in order to capture her own secret.
Its almost-non-perfume is muffled glory but demands that people seek it out. It never shouts its perfume.
-Clarice L.

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“Reclining Woman With Green Stockings,” (1917.) Oil painting by Egon Schiele.

- This work shows a traditional yet controversial image due the sexual pose.
- These unconventional depictions of women got Schiele in trouble, landing him in prison in 1912.

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Riley Luceria
-albino raccoon(mix with werewolf genes)
-same age as kolopi, taller than him

-He is mischievous,friendly, appears as a introvert as first, later extremely extrovert.

Likes shiny things

Is a himbo

Works as a store similar to claire’s

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Far from the shores of the Old World, is the mysterious continent of Lustria. Tales tell of troves of golden treasure and repositories of arcane lore https://t.co/qSzlZLpDCY

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the rough part of everyone voting set price is they do that bc they want to buy it. but they dont want it enough to pay a competitive price for it. this ensures when i post it for a reasonable price therell be troves of people mad for missing out

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- penyebab musnahnya kekaisaran Sorlen Kuno
- termasuk orang yg kontroversial banget keberadaannya dalam sejarah
- masuk ke sisi elit global
- immortal

tiba" muncul ke publik gara" ada kasus kredibilitas sejarah asli sama sejarah palsu ttg keluarga kekaisaran dia- https://t.co/fWhiwjwWtD

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