Season 2 of Re:Zero has ended, man its fun. I really loved Fortuna.

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Sometimes - not very often, but sometimes, I draw living animals instead of extinct ones. Here's a nene, harlequin mantella frog, basilisk and bluefin tuna.

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lo sigue. La pared de luz, que se origina en el cuerpo de Lucy, tiene la capacidad de redirigir toda desgracia que viene en el camino de Valentine, dejando sólo buena fortuna. La energía dañina que pasa a través de la pared de luz se envía lejos del usuario y se pasa a individuos

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Genshin Tuna. I hope she is playable in the future. I would love to see her with blue eyes 🤩

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Sushi lean, medium toro and toro of Tuna. Watercolor edited with Ps.

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Had an AU a long time ago with the final boss being against a being known as Fortuna. Never found a design for her I liked until now :D

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Siesta gatuna.

🖌Kaethe Bealer
🖌David G. Paul
🖌Anne Mortimer
🖌Isabelle Estrade

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Secondo la tradizione popolare la cicogna è un simbolo di fecondità. Infatti si racconta ai bambini che la cicogna porta i neonati nelle case. Simboleggia anche l'arrivo della primavera e la buona fortuna. Gli antichi credevano che procuravano il cibo ai loro anziani genitori.

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«Nelle nebbie dei tempi più remoti, nei giorni gloriosi dell'ex Impero Galattico, la vita era selvaggia, aspra e forte, e in gran parte esentasse. Possenti astronavi navigavano tra soli esotici, cercando avventura e fortuna...

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Tonight my dear friend is enduring the passing away of a wonderful boy called Syn. Here's a portrait of him – may his bowl always be overflowing with chicken and tuna. 🌹🌈

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Please understand, that c4 effect was shining in front of my eyes and then suddenly I went to buy the £44 pack and at roll 30, there was a Stella Fortuna...

It's all for Xiao's future!

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"Tiene la piel color aceituna..."

Yo: 🤯

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I did a doodle of my favorite tuna... TOONY! from premiering tomorrow! 🐟

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Ooo congratz! Here's my Moonlight. Second pic by @/LunaBunaTuna.

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School’s been tough, but even so, happy belated birthday Kiana. Everyone’s precious little tuna.

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Oh! So that's why everything served at the lunchroom tastes like tuna...
What a strange use of government funds.

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.Yes Kid Cosmic is still happening. Announced right at the start of production, delayed by Covid, plus unlike most shows that premiere while still in production Netflix will be releasing the entire season at once, so we had to finish them all first. Here's a more accurate Tuna.

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