Mungkin ada yang taktau jadi aku bagitaulah kat korang. Dawid Enoch ni kaki plagiat.

Boleh kata semua karya dia plagiat karya orang lain, ubah sikit bagi orang tu pakai tengkolok/nampak melayu dan terus claim tu sebagai karya dia.

Very unethical dan tak profesional.

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Had to redo this

It's funky iris oc.
He's a scientist who works mostly independently, but will partner up with someone if it feels it's necessary.
He also walks the fine line between being ethical and unethical

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Yates 🔥

(forever catching up with posting my art here)
the amazing @/Thavane8 did a on IG featuring her Unethical Science Man and this was my entry :3

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Aaa! My old Fursona used to be a shapeshifter, that was until I found it unethical for his story. He’s still a favourite of mine because he’s more than 4 years old, but not my persona anymore.✨
Chibi Art isn’t mine, and I can’t credit as the Artist doesn’t want it linked to em.

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Offering two of my boys

Artimus is a kiv oc who is a logical thinker, he likes to conduct unethical experiments and dissection to better learn about living things.

Joker/Howler is the keeper of the underworld. Hes a goofy lovable ghost dragon.

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Just a reminder how much actually cares about ppl.

So happy to run the but not speak on the conditions women and other tech workers suffer on a routine basis. No comment on our unethical crunches? Or sexual harassment?

Your hashtag is mine.

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tw // rather triggering crimes!


Today's criminal of the day is Il Dottore from Genshin Impact! His crimes include conspiracy, murder, abuse of power, torture, unethical experimentation, kidnapping, child abuse, & human trafficking!

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[ ] miuccia is here and she is ready to do unethical things in the name of racing

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Piracy is illegal and unethical. Nintendo's going to find you and you will get in trouble!

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meet a new pokemon oc (grizz) and a pair of redesigned ones (mewchu and doom) and theyre basically pokemon GMOs escaped from the lab that made them. theyre the products of Incredibly Unethical Science

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Vixen Redesign.
Ain’t she a cutie? She’s a psychologist who has a fascination with menhera kei aesthetics and unethical practices.
She’s probably gonna be a villain.

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Would love to subject him to unethical experiments

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Genshin is so good at making hot unethical doctors….. this is what I like to SEE

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Moral dilemma: Athena steals abandoned/neglected babies from human villages, would that be unethical or virtuous?

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A strong message ☝️for . Amnesty Norge has overlooked the fact that Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of children via 's unethical investments

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Hehehehe huhuhuhuhu funny clovis bray science man

Pls do whatever u want with him (hes very unethical)

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Charles' greatest sin to date is his unethical relationship with Gaby Haller, first introduced to us in UXM and revisited here, during his time as her "therapist", helping her from the catatonia she was left in following her trauma during the Holocaust.

The impropriety...

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this was just supposed to be funny but is this advertisement. is this unethical

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“While this poses an unethical level of risk for your average volunteer, patients undergoing surgery for epilepsy have their brain activity monitored in this very way…”

Neuroscientists Have Followed a Thought as It Moves Through The Human

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