Auction happening now! If you work on wallstreet I'll give you a two finger discount.. 🖕🏻🙂🖕🏻

11 54

To the people from /r/WallStreetBets and those betting against the hedge funds, you all are pro-Bitcoin whether you know it yet or not. $BTC is the ultimate middle finger you can give to Wall Street! Why occupy Wall Street when you can vacate it?

- Buy

6 41

everyone: something something GameStop something something wallstreet bets


2 16

Some color sketches I made while Occupying Wallstreet oh so long ago.

1 9

imagine being the literal embodiment of this meme in response to wallstreet getting fucked over

0 2

/r/wallstreetbets, the playlist

0 4

I got in on GME. Fuck the 1% on wallstreet. Yall made 08' and the coming years hard on my family and friends 😤

3 13

Hear me out...#dogecoin much coin

0 3

Here's my new cartoon about users slamming with Gamestop. There is something fun about seeing get whacked by the little guy. Read more about the cartoon in my blog at:

5 2

in commemoration of r/wallstreetbets

1 3

Crypto has my heart, but fucking over Wall Street while making a little money has my head and heart.

It's great to see the small guy beating the big guy in their own game. We can take the power back!



45 226

WallStreetBets learned from the masters of trading. Wall Street can thank Nintendo for causing these hedge funds to get billion dollar bail outs.

0 2

Este "gamma squeeze" multiplicó el efecto del “short squeeze” anterior, causando mayores pérdidas a los que estaban cortos, como Melvin Capital, y mayores ganancias a los jóvenes r/WallStreetBets.

10 254

Of course Archive Team got /r/wallstreetbets


27 486