"Don't be fooled by the bear market and a few bad actors that shorted We're holding strong and moving forward with our plans to make a favorite. Join us on the ride.

29 38

I mean come on. How cool is this friggin isn't fackin around. $METL

15 30

remake my old drawing
I think this drawing is about 3 years old
I was a really werid bitch back then

12 48

Azuki Ape Social Club Saturday One of my favorite Communities around, on top of that the merch is top tier

7 27

Here is done XD the graphics way is inspired by this art so as the green lights XD

But an explanation, merwan just found a really werid glowing INK amd he is there to investigate it

4 8

Who are you in Web3? I am 'ThiloZoran' and now my PFP accurately reflects it on chain. is doing big things... Not the least of which is advancing our ability to develop and embrace our digital identities.

Who are you?

5 33

just dropped me 3 artifacts I earned in game that are worth over 1 ETH. If you are not playing this fully on-chain you are missing out.

25 33

emo guy hehe, love drawing eyes from childhood, werido https://t.co/IK2d4Oltp9

0 2

is where I whale at. Earning $METL (convertible to ETH), engaging with a present, intelligent team and community, and embarking on the first blockchain All-in.

1 5

I know you said you're gonna check it, but you need to check it! 2023 is looking might fine with my man!

0 3