Pure Witch of Embers ~ Whereabouts of the Heart
A Junko (Touhou) x Signora (Genshin Impact) fanart crossover!

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Working on updating the armor look for Prudence Woodard (aka Pru), an NPC in the campaign who is an Oath of Watchers Paladin. Last seen in one of Adelaide’s visions having a rough time fighting back a horde of creatures before getting overwhelmed. Exact whereabouts now unknown.

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week 1 : Harvest

This little witch lives in a burrow, close to orchards and fruit fields. Once a year, when it's time for harvest, they show themselves to fetch food. If you're lucky enough, it's still possible to notice their whereabouts all year round.

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He want to know the whereabouts of his distant cousin.

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中村萌さんの国内初の大型個展『our whereabouts -私たちの行方-』。

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a short comic I did about , regarding the whereabouts of Rai's cool jacket after he turned good again 🥰🥰

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Liu Qingge is truly a man more reliable than a blood brother! I mean, even he always do things in rush, he will always be the second person to save Shen Qingqiu or find his whereabouts (First person is Luo Binghe) ..

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Mandy meeting Wy for the first time. She was snooping around looking for Jambee's whereabouts. Then she comes across this cute guy taking a break. Wy belongs to
sets in universe

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中村萌展がギャラリー椿とPOLA MUSEUM ANNEXで同時開催!これは見たい。

中村 萌 個展
2021/9/3-9/25 日・月・祝 休廊

中村萌 「our whereabouts - 私たちの行方 -」
2021/9/3-10/10 会期中無休

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What noise? You mean the one you keep making asking about ’s whereabouts? Just drink your beer and stop asking why he keeps grunting or if there’s a very faint earthquake making the table jostle. Yeesh.

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「中村 萌 Moe Nakamura -私たちの行方- Our whereabouts」



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【中村 萌 さん展覧会のお知らせ】

中村萌 「our whereabouts - 私たちの行方 -」

2021年9月3日[金] - 10月10日[日](会期中無休)
11:00 - 19:00 (入場は18:30まで)
東京都中央区銀座1-7-7 ポーラ銀座ビル 3階

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Guile is a character from the Street Fighter series by Capcom. He is a major in the United States Air Force seeking to investigate the whereabouts of his friend Charlie.

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first art post ahead~

Personally love this style so much since it's cute, and simple. Made this for a close friend's birthday. This is a GIF originally but I can't find the whereabouts of the GIF so I'll just post this cutie instead (♡ω♡ ) ~♪

Looking for art moots as well a

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and Mooneyham reunite with Extreme Carnage: Scream! Andi and Scream are looking for the whereabouts of Demagoblin but things take a dark turn when a hidden signal sends Scream into a frenzy.

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whereabouts unknown

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【9月開催】楠などの丸太を削り出し、油絵具で彩色した愛らしい作品を紹介。中村萌「our whereabouts - 私たちの行方 -」展


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Special Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat Collab event!

[Map Exploration]
Pursuing Nora's Whereabouts: Cat, Princess, and the Otherworldly Life

Coming Soon!

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