exactly. moon knight fans follow me for quality weekly non whitewashed oscar isaac art content https://t.co/TvkIoAHc3P

28 168

this “fanart” has over 1.2k likes despite it being completely traced AND ☀️ being whitewashed 😭😭😭 please

63 1164

And the truth is, history will hardly ever be peaceful. It can be very triggering and unfair. And more often than not, you won’t be straight up be taught the truth, only the whitewashed version that makes others look good. (4/6)

88 677

side-eyeing THE FUCK out of every single person who liked and RTd this whitewashed shit. fucking do better, people.

0 5

For April Fools' Day, I was going to post this and call it Malcolm's redesign, being a joke on characters being whitewashed. I started to reconsider, then chickened out at the last minute.

I'm thinking about making this a different character entirely, because I like the design!

2 18

He was whitewashed in this artstyle but it's a shame cuz he looks adorable in it too

6 93

I can't believe I whitewashed myself 😢 (but actually, this is the perfect example of how by colour grading the image makes EVERYTHING super light, and not JUST the skin)

0 0

Their also slightly whitewashed lmaooo Leona (the yellow one with the lion ears is darker than that)

0 0

This was my first commision I ever did (it was veeery whitewashed) https://t.co/9P1IjB9VgC

1 4

There's a time on my life where I whitewashed myself for some reason I stopped doing it in mid. 2019, but it's still funny to look back at those times lmao

0 5

they whitewashed him.

63 883

bruh. The last one is original image mind it which isn't whitewashed. this person took whitewashed version of original artwork and made it darker to prove what point exactly?!! bet they whitewashed that art themselves and then made it darker 😭😭 lord help me

34 179

i got a comment asking why he's whitewashed and on the camera it just looks like that especially with the filter, but the actual piece uses colors from the webtoon so dont worry😊

0 4

Updated her skin a little coz she looked whitewashed on the original artwork of mine im sorry.

1 5

go ahead and stan mcu wanda i honestly couldn’t care less but don’t ever try to deny the fact that she was whitewashed and promote racism against an already targeted ethnic minority group.

33 181

uwu (is not whitewashed, is just that i pained only the hair and clothes, i did not' a skynwork on here, just a ligthing sketch experimentation)

12 81

THEY WHITEWASHED MARK ?????????????????????? https://t.co/qSQZfSruth

0 1

Blue got whitewashed

16 116

I haven't posted my art of young boba Fett but I've always been mad at how whitewashed clone wars boba was given that aotc boba looks a lot like me as a kid (I'm part pacific islander) and tcw boba looks like a white kid????

5 11


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