Let's go outside and play this weekend!

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Wibbly loves and so do we! Does your little one have a best friend?

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How about a virtual hug for your best friend Wibbly here?

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With his car parked by an apple tree, Wibbly stops to pick up an apple.

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Has your toddler been to the zoo yet? If so, how was the experience? Share with us!

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Happy Monday everyone! Wibbly is wishing you a super fun week! How do you say "WEEK" in your language?

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Fill in the blanks! My kid’s favorite character on Wibbly Pig is _______.

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Wibbly, Big Pig, Spotty, Tiny and the Twins want YOU to follow on Facebook:https://t.co/xwyPjyfkTr

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Wibbly and Aunt Larlie sing a song near the front door. Does your little one like to sing?

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Wibbly is pleased to see a chicken. What was your toddlers reaction the first time he/she first saw an animal or a pet?

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books are easy for every toddler to turn, & fun to read. Books are available through http://t.co/tdR78ghW

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Wibbly loves to play games with his friends! Do you have any special games that you love to play with your little ones?

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To Wibbly, gardens are magical, fun, and always full of surprises.

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Wibbly has put on his favourite gloves from Aunt Larlie to stay warm, while making a snowman. How do you keep warm?

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Wibbly received a wonderful gift from Aunt Larlie; a sled! Woohoo!

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Wibbly has books about himself, and recommends them for all pre-school kids and of course- adults too!!!

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friends do not have aunties like Aunt Larlie. He is wondering what he will get from her this festive season.

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