a doodle of woncat and kwonhamster as your daily stabilo spirit boost up!!

the funny thing is i picked their tracksuits colors from my own color pallete without changing it at all ajsfhjgshsj

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매우 맛있는 떡🍡❤

114 321

Too late for Christmas day but post it anyway 🤣💕

107 309

okay but why does wonha is only the one who's paired and the other four had seperate,, is there a meaning behind this?? did sowon sacrificed herself to bring back eunha and left the 4 girls bitch i need a fucking explanation

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본인들이 미는 닉주디커플 WONHA 하쇠읂~🦊🐰💞

57 98

i just miss them so much 😭👭💕

110 293

i still fall in love with you everyday.

78 178

👋They are so in love~🙈Such an active ship,Wonha shippers are lucky🐰🦊
Keep streaming Buddies~~

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