// nine bfb
Another thingie of the human 79 au teehee..

15 44

Two tpot //

Late night number postin’

12 65

// nine bfb
Ya gay gay homosexual gays..

13 42

// profiley bfb + four bfb

14 32

// lollipop bfb
Gijinkas thread because i'm lazy to post all of these separated.. (1/3)

13 42

// two tpot + one xfohv
When THE hc.. And also it's practicaly Two telling why they're never seen or in the Equation Playground

9 37

what better way to start this off than a cursed drawing
lemon demon my beloved

5 24

// nine bfb + implied 79 ship
Late skateboarding night with Nine.. based of an idea from earlier that i needed to draw + I could experiment a bit in here so heehoo....

21 41

// BFB 30 spoilers + four bfb + profiley bfb
Something i thought abt while listening to Abnormality Dancing Girl.... Rts appreciated tho !!

9 39

// seven xfohv
(repost because i forgot to tag ahhahasg)
thinking about them

7 34

just wanted to draw me n the besties /p (/r for five Obviously) :D

3 14

// four bfb + BFB 30 spoilers jic
I might be soft, anyways OH MY GGOD I'LL MISS THEM SO SO MUCH AAGH,, /HJ

16 60


Seven's one unpopular algebralien algebralien yknow 🧐 so here just a small thingie

10 41