Yogurt has no idea where to start on her tablet.

“Now how do I draw on this?” - Short Comic - Inept

4 24

Yogurt got a brand new tablet computer for d̶r̶a̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ school!

“Now I can draw lots on it while I’m on campus!” - Short Comic - For School

5 34

[Reupload - I fixed a thing]

Risa is recommending computers for Yogurt!

“Draw?” - Short Comic - Tablet

5 23

Yogurt finds Risa shopping for electronics too!

“We’re doing a bit of computer shopping!” - Short Comic - Self-doubt

5 24

Yogurt found Papa’s old laptop! But does it still work properly?

“I think it’s still thinking.” - Short Comic - Obsolete

7 31

Yogurt is asking her papa if he has a spare laptop.

“I know Berry uses one a lot.” - Short Comic - Request

6 26

Yogurt’s interested in getting a laptop for school!

“I have a phone and I know how to use a computer.” - Short Comic - Laptop

5 32

Yogurt’s already dreading the new semester of school.

“We won’t be able to see each other on campus much at all” - Short Comic - Misaligned

5 28

Terry is doing his best for his family.

“We’ll let her rest.” - Short Comic - Family Bond

7 17

Terry and his sister will be doing grocery shopping tomorrow!

“Were we out of food?” - Short Comic - Groceries

4 26

Terry needs a day to himself.

“Don’t come in tomorrow, alright?” - Short Comic - Time Off

5 21

While everyone is having fun at Olivia's house, Terry has been hard at work.

"There. Good to go." - Short Comic - Order Up https://t.co/UByHG5X9Gm

4 12

Yogurt and her friends hope to meet up again before the fall semester starts.

“It’ll be a lot harder to plan our get-togethers.” - Short Comic - Fall Semester

6 22

Yogurt’s getting better with this self-control thing.

“No condensed milk, please.” - Short Comic - Condensed Milk

5 22

Olivia is following up on Yogurt and Berry’s summer antics!

“You definitely look a lot more confident.” - Short Comic - Follow Up

6 21

Yogurt and her friends are worried about the future.

“Is that how things will be like when we start working?” - Short Comic - Foresee

5 27

Risa has no shortage of toys to keep her entertained.

“I brought a lot of fun stuff!” - Short Comic - Playthings

8 27

Terry has some bad news for Livvy.

“I’m really sorry to break the news to you.” - Short Comic - Change of Plans

6 20

Olivia is already making plans for when her friends drop by!

“I wonder what we’ll have to eat.” - Short Comic - Making Plans

9 20

Berry will treat Yogurt to some bubble tea!

“I need to watch my-” - Short Comic - Bubble Tea

8 29