babu! hallooo ada yang mau berteman dengan ayato main disini nanti kita jalan jalan teyvat bareng ayato, lebih tepatnya kuperbudak buat build yoimiya si gadis kretek 🔥
Hey, kawanbabu. I would like to expand my friendship. For your information, I'm a Yoimiya main with a she/him designation and am 22 years old. I'm a bit selective because I'm looking for people who really want to interact and give me the same feedback. I don't accept (cont..)
Good evening, travelers! How do you get through the remaining days at the end of the year? I'm here because I want to find more comrades / kawanbabu to interact with, and maybe I can add you to my friendlist! A little information, I main Yoimiya, I use feminine (cont..)