25/30 - Zygarde

1 14

Zygarde 10%! You make me think of canines but u also have that unique wackyness and creativity from your designs, so i feel it fits alright!

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le 27 décembre 2016 je postais ce dessin de Zygarde 10% (ou comme j'aime l'appeler Zydog)
quasiment 5 ans plus tard j'ai décidé de mettre mes nouvelles connaissances et programmes afin de refaire ce dessin

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Zhongli - Zygarde, Rayquaza

2 27

Honorable mentions: lapras, kyogre, luxray, giratina, zorua, and zygarde cell

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Hmmm... I wonder if there are any new hot Poke 'n' moans for me to draw. I haven't checked on them in forever!

Sinners! Send word and visual aid! }8D~

If everything fails there's always big boy Zygarde!

2 25

Ahora dibujo a Zygarde 50 por ciento Masaaki Iwane

0 3

Nuevo Dibujo de Masaaki Iwane de Zygarde Núcleo sobre la Cabeza de Bonnie . Hace ya 1 semana Había Dibujado a Zygarde 10 por ciento y Zygarde 100 por Ciento.

1 8

Time for another Toni-Dex poll!! This week is between Kommo-o, Guzzlord, Zygarde Complete Form and Drampa!
Vote for your fave below!

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Zygarde 100% y 10% dibujado por masaaki iwane.

3 14


One shotting, Shiny Hunting Zygarde!
Send Regi raids on Pokémon GO!

1 17

Cufant, Copperajah, Wishiwashi, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking & Zygarde Revealed From S7D Skyscraping Perfect / S7R Blue Sky Stream

Read more on PokeGuardian

1 21

[au] Another mock-up poster in my au, this time the Kalos arc. While following Ash’s story mostly, it mainly focuses on Serena and her traumatic past coming back to haunt her. This is part 1 of the Kalos arc, as part 2 focuses on Zygarde

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ジガルデ Zygarde 50% Forme

24 86

Zygarde 10% is a good dogo what Zygarde do you guys like^^

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