Я писала фанфики, научилась писать песни, рисовала кучу фанартов и даже делала небольшие анимации. А все потому что меня вдохновили цветные мини-лошади. Just look 2014-2018

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16. Talia princess of Xeris from Lolirock (2014-2017)

You can watch it on Netflix!

69 404


정말오래도 그렸군 ..😅

25 135


Ali pelo final de 2016/início de 2017 eu resolvi seguir num traço mais voltado para o cartoon https://t.co/R1ADBt3DTf

1 12

Frase filosófica com Personagens de Jojo Dia 14-2

56 302

It's a redraw of this old piece 🌿

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I realized that each sailor moon fan art I’ve done has marked a separate step in my art journey LMAO (2014-2017-2020)

82 653

Splatoon is five years old today. Here's some of my old 2014-2016 Splatoon art to celebrate!

6 16

The end of Wizardess heart!!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful time!

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hey look they're all sad furries
only doing digital art because that's all I have on hand
doing this makes me wonder where all my art from 2014-2016 went hm

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Saw many twts about wanting to give up on art so I digged up my past. Please don’t be discouraged with yourself, things will get better eventually.


7 59

虽然但是 进步真的很慢了……

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画太丑没脸打tag 我家双雄2014-2020

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Best art from GinBlackfox which I got since 2014-2016

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i forgot to add this version of Kolly which was around 2014-2015 i think???? still.

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Veo que algunos lo ponen, pondré mi primer furry dibujado a digital al último.


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