mafia luke, yadda yadda.

fella you gotta figure out a cooler hairstyle than 'shrimp tail' and 'flappy bat'

3 5

big slappy becomes big swaggy thanks to turtleneck

28 54

Flappy Bird: You're cool in my book!

0 1

I think Chestnut may be taking this whole crush on Slappy thing a little too seriously...

3 20

I'e just got this feeling that Chestnut's crush on Slappy might end up getting him crushed.. literally...

13 72

It's decided. When I grow up and become a grey muzzle... I want to be just like Slappy! :D

1 22

Now for the unusual "What if...?"

...ABMovie-fied Faby and Tiny? (Flappy Bird and Tiny Wings)

16 27

Dead Rising 2 again and now it is fucking Slappy

0 3

This looks like a game right up my alley. Doves. Looks like Flappy Bird meets Lawnmower Man, ported for the by

17 96

Pulled freshly from my ass! Decided to time myself to see how fast it could take me to do this style on the computer. Have my Box Owl Lappy!

11 57

Flappy scribbly wings of boredom.

1 2

and done =3 a little Lappy for your Dot? no?

0 4

Good enough for Twitter, but not for Redbubble. Annoying without Lappy/Scanner. Maybe the Copyshop next town can scan it for me.

18 129