久しぶりのインスタ😅ナハトはお腹がちょっとゆるいのでお薬調整中ですが元気にします~😁 https://t.co/F0vBs6YWBo

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It's Bryn ✨🌸🐶 she's a Pomeranian Pup!

This art is more than a year old and her/my haircut is different, but whatever, I still liked it lol.

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Been puppy sitting a little Pomeranian called Leo! He's very energetic and cute! 🐶 (Convinced that he's really a fox though🦊)

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Second version of the Pomeranian print is up in the store! https://t.co/4okI3x1tzF

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a very muscular pomeranian boxer i drew last year... his name is karol

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今日はお墓参りに実家へ行くのでお留守番😅おばあちゃん家で待っててね☺️💕 https://t.co/NkBoK1C0m6

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The Wolf Prince Noctis Lupus Caelum (+ royal bell) and his No-Good Pomeranian friend Prompto “Prompom” Argentum.

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今週はホント残業続きだった😭後1日でお休みだから待っててね😆✨✨ https://t.co/KEJPTdT08g

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今日は友達と飲みに行っちゃうので旦那さんとお留守番宜しくね😘#ポメラニアン https://t.co/Sk4iyb8mK5

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This happens every night, my pomeranian Eevee takes me out of bed!

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実家に出かける間際にふざけてバレッタとか付けて見たんだけど…案の定嫌がられました😅😅😅ポメラニアン https://t.co/weataqW860

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昨日仕事納めで今日から本格的に大掃除…ナハトのいるリビングは最後に綺麗にしようね😁✨ポメラニアン https://t.co/4iwUcyPjB6

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