<3 floof be cheering you on! also i shall buy a plushie!

15 213

to ease your spirits a bit

1671 22703

this is horrible thing to hear… FUCK CANCER 💚 wishing you a speedy recovery techno! love u <3 (i’m not an author of the fanart below)

93 1004

Stay strong and i hope you recover fast. The whole community is rooting for you 💕

11 148

we love you!! sending my best wishes!!

4 30

honestly, I'm wishing him a fast and safe recovery, no one deserves something like that

0 4

wishing techno a speedy recovery, hoping the best for him, his family and his friends :( <3

30 453

is my favorite person to draw and he’s a big inspiration. I know he can win this fight!

1 12

espero q o techno melhore se algo acontecer com ele meu mundo cai 😭😭 boa sorte no tratamento de câncer e na fisioterapia
Artes pela metade pra alegrar todos os fans💖💗

12 115

// cancer
Day 56/69 of Slime
Techno you're strong as shit man, you best beat the fuck outta that cancer bro. ❤️

2 10

I thought this year couldn’t get any worse but guess I was proven wrong. I really hope you rest up and get well soon Techno (T-T)

1 2


9 132

wishing for a fast recovery to an awesome cc! hope him, his family and friends are doing good through this!

0 12

wishing for a speedy recovery, stay strong man <33

14 115

Get well soon techno you're strong and we love ya :)

24 243