A Pokemon whose singing voice is a secret weapon during battle, as it can learn any tune from others and pass it on for generations.


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A Pokemon who can use its dance moves in front of others, learns from its own efforts by practicing skills and memorizing them without breaking a sweat.


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My new userpic feels like a new chapter in my art life! The frog has evolved into this mascot! And these are also new images for my Patreon updated tiers! Let me know what do you think of this small rebranding?

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Here’s a 2021 colored reference of Kay and a pin up !

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Here is on OC that is near and dear to my heart, Kay! She’s my pride and joy

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Here’s Missa! She’s the one I did a full body drawing of that I’m promoting rn!

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A water fairy who lives in a garden surrounded by fountains, which is located at one of the main entrances near local parks.


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An elderly man who has the power to create springs that connect with water and cause storms, or send misfortunes either from land or sea.


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A mermaid who arranged songs and dances under the full moon, communicating with other creatures living in the depths of the sea.


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