Non siam mica qui a sbrinare gli igloo!
by Ale Giorgini 😄

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Cara Delevingne by Giorgio Arcuri

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A. Giorgini, súbeme a tu tabla de skate. Geniales ilustraciones sobre ruedas. Muero

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Ale Giorgini: "That's Amore!" series

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Giorgio de Chirico - Autoportrait, 1922

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Buongiorno! Il tema di San Giorgio e il drago è abbastanza intuibile, ma chi è l’artista che ha eseguito quest’opera?

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In fact no cloud in Giorgione, Tiepolo as nice as yours. Tried Fragonard (below), Boucher ... you win!

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Illustration for the Remembrance Day of Gerardo Sangiorgio (1921 - 1993)

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The Adoration of the Kings, by Giorgione, 1506-7, large:

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The Adoration of the Kings, by Giorgione, 1506-7, large:

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The Adoration of the Kings, by Giorgione, 1506-7, large:

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The Adoration of the Kings, by Giorgione, 1506-7, large:

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The Adoration of the Kings, by Giorgione, 1506-7, large:

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Cool new illustrated cover of , with illustration by Ale Giorgini.

3 3[转]Giorgio Armani为Lady Gaga设计巡演服:相信不少人对Lady Gaga的新巡回演唱会“Born This W… (5张图片)

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