Commission done for . Thank you very much for entrusting your characters to me! ✨

37 122

Just a thought - If I made some G’raha emotes, would anyone be interested in using them? I was just doodling as a quick Idea.

6 22

"You look an ilm taller and twice as rugged, Alphinaud. It suits you." 🙃 💢

The kiddos meeting Estinien for the first time was the most precious thing ever!! (๑•̀д•́๑) ✨

968 1979

met ultah om :D smoga kerjany makin smangat xD jgn lupa istirahat yahh

1 8

jgn lupa beristirahat ya pak
dari kami yang menopang mu

27 179

I’m sorry for the reposts, but I live for these two. But not THAT sorry.

8 44

Aaa naspuuut, istirahat sayangku...semoga dia dan kamu tetap sehat² ya

0 0

🍀Fan Art🍀
Stella Angela (Enryu/Stella)
Get well very very very soon, my precious 🥺 I'll always waiting for u ❤💙 istirahat yg cukup stellaaaaa 😭😭 i luv u !! 화이팅 <3<3<3

2 19


Gamirip tapi weslah
Istirahat dri pr gambar bntr o)—(

0 3

*pat pat (*´ω`*), istirahat biar nggak terlalu stress jangan dipikrin terus, dengerin lagu bisa bikin relax juga, hope you'll feel well~

0 1

Kdg keluarga emg yg paling bikin cape sih :"( TAPI TETAP SEMANGAT YA MEMED SAYANG(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ💖 istirahat bentar dulu

0 0

Karyaku! happy birthday to me!! kalian jangan lupa istirahat, dan minum air putih yang banyak✨✨

0 22

Para abdi negara. Pahlawan hebat, tugasmu selesai. Silahkan beristirahat💚

Sending my deepest condolences for all crew KRI 402 and their families. May you all rest in peace.

540 3509

hero! your greatest fan will always be cheering you on! don't lose hope♥

20 32

J-hope dan OC aku bilang jangan lupa istirahat dan jangan lupa untuk senyum ya sender 🌸✨
Ngerasa sedih, nangis, itu gapapa nder, take ur time!! Tapi abis itu bangkit lagi dan semangat ya!! ☺️💞 Peluk peluk buat sender!!!

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