Cartoon: Sexy Men of Science!! Einstein pin up. Possibly the first of a series. Whaddya think?

19 84

Meet Walt’s pet turtle, Einstein. They can get into some wacky situations together, but he’s always there to help when the Inventson family needs him most!

0 0

bulb tree (2019) by A. Weinstein

4 21

Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

9 27

Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

837 1820

วันที่หม่นหมอง...จะผ่านไปอย่างง่ายดาย...แค่ลองปล่อยเวลาให้ไหลไปกับเสียงเพลง และแมว🐱สักตัว...😊

ในรูป :

1 4

The self-declared genius strikes again & declares his son-in-law as "extraordinarily smart"!!!
Thanks for a very revealing cartoon of vs. 😀

1 18

As diversas fases de Albert Einstein

619 3516

Dobbiamo allargare il nostro cerchio di compassione, affinché comprenda tutte le creature viventi e l'intera natura nella sua bellezza
Albert Einstein

🎨Trent Gudmundsen

57 73

☑️ Dr. Einstein's Classroom ☑️⁣
Click the below link to know more about our new system: Elf!⁣

35 354


-the band-
Jordan Feinstein
Brian Rashap & Ezra Lipp

Recorded by Jon Hart
A Big Elbows Recording


2 6

Todos nós confiamos em você Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein, 1921 strip card

1 28

The historic photo of proves Einstein right.

173 481