Little doodle of Merit with longer hair, possibly a few years older? Either way, double braids double power! ^^

0 1

Love the cartoon young man. 9 years old,for artistic merit you're well ahead of the game. Keep going & pursue your dream. Lets do an international swap cartoons with me in Scotland? I'll kick off with one off my versions of Trump with UK PM Theresa May. Let's exchange ideas?

1 9

Escalas de poder tipo shonen de peleas, todo es random y lo manejan según el guion lo a merite, demuestra flojera o que las peleas no importan, y si no importan en algo que es de peleas, pues KK.

0 8

Remember to never open weird links from weird people in the mail!

By the way, How are you guys?

👾 👾

2 11

Estoy probando por primerita vez el Clip Studio Paint, not bad, not bad, me va gustando 👌
De momento voy lentita, pero me está gustando muchísimo como está yendo este fanart de Shampoo de Ranma ❤️
También aprovecho para probar el de Twitter 👀

1 5

literally just going up my tumblr and seeing if there are any sort of tall drawings that would merit a repost.

2 63

Meriterebbero Almeno Un'Ergastolo Intero Senza Sconti Alcuni solo per la maniera fredda e cruda in cui hanno cercato di far depistare le indagini...Ora Godetevi un pò di Fresco in Cella che Marco si Gode il Paradiso Oggi Più che Mai...Che Forza i Genitori...W MARCO

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👾 👾

4 21

A cursed scene redraw from Burst Your Bubble. Oleander is about to yell at Raz for failing his Basic Braining test once again and he's about to threaten Raz into NEVER GETTING HIS BASIC BRAINING MERIT BADGE! Both are cursed. Based on Spongebob Season 10 Episode Burst Your Bubble.

1 4

Keep seeing the word "empowered"
Be powerful instead, by own merits, RL shouldn't lower the bar so you can shine.
There are other factors of course, like born wealthy or extremely talented & yet you could lose everything if don't act wisely.
You don't deserve a 🥉 for your genre

1 12

new ref for my dnd character merit

4 16

Oleander: "*Grunts and gets himself out of the iron lung and goes out the window* Oh...Actually, I feel like my old self again, but you're still don't get a Basic Braining Merit badge! *Deflates and falls and screams as he falls*"
Based on Spongebob Season 10 Episode Code Yellow

2 5

Hello my dears! 'u'
New commission for a dear person in company with our beloved Popia! I really hope you like it!

4 49

everything started with the idea of making a chibi icon because most of the artists i like have commissions closed.

...but something went wrong.

👾 👾

1 7

domanda importantissima ma voi avete mai visto kobato? no perché anche questo è uno di quegli anime conosciuti pochissimo ma che merita davvero tanto (e che vi consiglio se siete un po' masochisti e volete piangere)

0 5

pspspsps psppsps ghost fans come get your food pspspsps

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