It’s Happy Hour, you get two crack ships for one 💁🏻‍♀️🍷🥂🍻🍹

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Youngjin was brought to Seunghyun's place & was asked who he was working for.

SH offered him water but YJ was doubtful coz he thought SH might've put truth serum in it 😂
as if SH read his mind, he said he didn't put anything to it. 😆

📚 종의 기원

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bruce has super serum refractory period and i can milk him as i please 💚

small steve’s big night 3/5

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Reposting some old drawings of my fan-Stand, Barracuda, for

She's a Stand I designed for Jotaro's ex-wife/Jolyne's mom who acts as support-- she's a truth serum who makes people reveal something that's been on their mind for a while, and boosts their stats as reward.

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First Illustration of mine for Spring Fever!
Cuddle Pollen and truth serum mixed equals heavy lewd making out~

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heard a few more opinions about Karli by the end of the series, "The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path...She will escalate until you kill her." - called it again...

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super kind medic, big softie.
aids her friends by spraying a probiotic serum from her palms.

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what if the Power Broker is Madame Hydra considering she’s operated in Madripoor in the comics..?

would make sense.

Zemo knows Hydra’s secrets and it ties to the serum, kinda.

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is mortally wounded battling against John Walker, only the can save him, giving up the serum w/ a blood transfusion, Sam is the all new Captain America! my fan theory. 😎🙏✌️🌌.

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เมื่อ Captain America โดนฉีด serum ผิด

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After this weeks episode 4 recap by and , I knew what I had to do
After all, stamping that serum is a honored tradition in the Zemo family

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VACCINES FOR ALL by designs is "an ode to the serum run in 1925 during the diphtheria epidemic in Alaska, where vaccines were delivered to Nome by sled dog teams." Via 💉
Learn more at

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A decorated soldier who didn't need the Super Soldier Serum to be a war hero. Given a title he deserves, but no one wants to give him credit for.

wants him to be a flawed Captain America; I just see a tragic hero.

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liu bang has applied some anti-aging face serum and shaved his bear to become a bottom worthy of fei-ge's hegemon.......

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Oh no, Desmond's drink was spiked with Truth Serum! Now he has to answer any question honestly, no matter how private or embarrassing it might be! What will we learn about him now?

Plz like and retweet

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Superboy 235 (10/20/77) tries to make the us believe Briany is up to villiany by brainwashing Superboy into not remembering something but it turns out the thing is a longevity serum that Clark would be too tempted to use on his loved ones changing the timeline

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Nightshade with a syringe of her Werewolf serum! Ink, marker & white crayon, sold on Ebay.

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Fiz ontem, o sentimento que tava sentindo enquanto fazia era "gratidão" pelas pessoas que estão presentes e as que passaram na minha vida, cada um que passa me modifica um pouco e me ajuda a crescer como serumaninho

sou boiola eu sei

🔁+💜= 🥺🥰🥰

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Melani the Dragon!

She's a scientist that studied more about size related topics.

But mostly to make growth serums to develop super soldiers.

She is pretty chill, but don't try to get on her bad side. She might not be much, but she will shrink you when she has the chance!

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i’ll never be over the way levi clutches the serum to his chest when he sees erwin

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