Shining Force CD (which is a remake of Gaiden 1-2) is also superb.

Here are some of my favourites 😍
(BUT you gotta imagine them with the blink & mouth movements, + classic speech SFX).

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A Hylian mother and her baby boy entered this forbidden forest. The Deku Tree could sense that this was a child of Destiny, whose fate would affect the entire world, so he took him into the forest. After the mother passed away, the baby was raised as a Kokiri

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70〜80年代のSF映画少年のバイブル「スターログ日本版」創刊から、今日でちょうど40年(8月号=1978年7月1日発売/編集発行 ツルモトルーム)。ハリウッド最前線のSFXはもちろん、シド・ミードもメビウスもフラゼッタも、全てこのSFヴィジュアル誌で知り、楽しみ、学んだ。1987年2月号の100号で休刊。

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I decided to create another monster print that was either from the sea or stars. This is based on the original model of Medusa from 1981 The Clash of the Titans created by FX artist and genius Ray Harryhausen.

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*Notice : All the characters in my tweet, following and follower are more than 18 years of age. They are professionally hired legally mature actors and the age appearance is due to the settings in the manga, the support of computer graphic, and SFX make-ups. Thanks!

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Found 6 debug menus in Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya (PS2) These contain bgm / sfx / voice tests, memory card test options, controller tests, a quick start menu, a movie viewer, and a image cut-in viewer.

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Saber Kawaii
*SFX "Excalibuuuuuuur" from afar* 😂

Artist : インク

Anime : Violet Evergarden

Source :


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