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2014 ——> 2022
Good practice makes the difference, don’t give up and keep going! 💫
Aun me faltan muchas cosas que aprender pero estoy feliz con lo que he avanzando
14 -> 18
I vividly remember the day i was determined to be an artist. What fueled me was the fact i could create anything.
Sure it wasnt perfect most of the time, but that didnt stop me. It's okay to not draw for a while and to take a break! Just enjoy drawing!
2016 to now, very glad i didn’t give up back then #SkillNotTalent
2012 >> 2022
The left one is my very first digital art and right side is my recent one. Wow what a journey
2021 January --> 2021 September
From my first-ever interior concept art to one of my proudest pieces.
2017--> 2022
Anime people to Buff Furry Anime People
2012 → 2022 #SkillNotTalent
I'm so proud of myself. that my work can develop like this. Therefore, stop diminishing the artist's value. We are proud of our craftsmanship. In the process of self-improvement, it was something that brought a lot of happiness and good experiences.
2019 -> 2022
I guess my coloring overall improved??
I rmb I stopped drawing at a certain year, but looking at this again makes me proud lol
2017 vs 2022
2017 is the year when I started using a tablet and was part of the MCSM community, and now a few years and fandoms later, it's unbelievable how much I've improved with the same old tablet :D
(cant find anything from before that)
still have a lot to learn but we're getting there #SkillNotTalent
From unipins and colored pencils to experimenting on digital.
I'm reluctant to do comparisons like this cuz I fear I've barely improved over the years, but looking at it now, I know that's just not the case at all.
2014<<<< >>>>>2022
dandole con todo a lo que me gusta
2016// 2022