Which reminds me, could Saori Kido have inspired Yuuhi Koubuin in

1 8

えっ、もう20周年なの? 歳とるわけだ(^^) 正直『マブラヴ』が無かったら今の自分もなかったってくらいageの存在はデカいんだよね。ってな訳でマブラヴ関係イラストも貼っておきます。(再掲ですみません)

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Thanks for a truly memorable and impactful story that helped get me where I am in life today. And gave me my favourite mecha pilot and mecha ever 💙
One day I'll finish my Shiranui model kit and hunt down a nice Meiya statue...

3 20

Reminder that Âge created this legend, who is literally a reference to at least 4 characters.

9 20

The Muv-Luv trilogy is still the greatest visual novel I’ve ever experienced. Thank you âge and happy birthday! Here’s to another 20 years!

10 17

Happy Birthday thank you for creating this magnifesent girl, her sister, family, friends and of curse her maids. Muv-Luv was, is and will always be one of the best stories I have ever exprinced.

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3 8

Man, Muv-Luv and âge has came a long way and still has a huge fan base, now it needs are fighting games, anime, mecha simulator, etc...

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5 23

I'm doing some tweaks on the EXP system. I made sure that players won't get a damage upgrade per every level.

3 16

heres hoping for KimiNozo getting an english release one day 🙏

6 20

My first bit of Muv Luv came around when Total Eclipse first aired, saw the first episode and then read the trilogy before episode 2 came out. It's a wonderful story with so many luvable characters including the one I luv most.

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