I tried to pick the games I played the most as a kid because I just have too many favorites

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Gotta do my now!! I had so many to choose from but these guys have my heart 😬

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Associate Producer shares his

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Icewind Dale
Age of Empires II
Deus Ex: Invisible War

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If I could I’d slip in Pokémon Heartgold but fjxhkxiyxkgjkg

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hard choice!? uh. you are allowed to judge me x'D

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This was a tough one because i have so many favourites.

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look I did a thing :D if people ask what my favourite games are it's these (and sequels when applicable) + Half Life and Braid but has 4 in it and unlike Valve I can count :3

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My four games which mean alot to me. Spent many hours in these!

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I'm too old for this hashtag nonsense, had to explain what was to me because those words make no sense when put together! Anyway here they are.

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And here are my post 20 new wave (to me at least)

Ace Attorney : The Original Trilogy
Portal 2
Crypt of the Necrodancer

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I have to split these up because I feel like I had a prolific game awakening in my twenties - so here are my all time from childhood

Fire Emblem 7
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
LoZ: Twilight Princess
Golden Sun

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4 Games That Defines Me!
Even though I have a whole lot more.

Nominated by
I Nominate: , , , and

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so hard to narrow it down to 4. But these will always have an impact on me. (I dont play wow anymore but still follow it via youtubers)

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So hard to choose this one but decided to go with the ones that impacted me the most as a kid/that I played the ever loving crap out of.

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These games meant a lot to me in my formative years. It was almost impossible to narrow it down to only four!!

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I can't shake the feeling that I forgot an important game or two...

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