Some sketches for on instagram. Witch, Magic and Forest.

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We battle with ghosts and beasts and blood magic. Soon the witch charges with all her might but the Great Wolf gobbles her up like a bug, bones and all.

Theme - Insect

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Alone, Lola came - Prepared well, to gather items for a spell , She brought her magic satchel. ✨
I am learning how to work with the paint on this paper! Tried for a light glow from inside the bag .. didn't quite pull it off.

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Folktale Week DAY 5: 'Insect'. Honey bees were said to have tranformed from the tears of the Sun God Ra.

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I've been doing Folktale Week as a way to work some educational/cautionary lore into what I'm writing for . It's so fun! Here are the first 4 days, tale explanations are on Instagram (gist: the forest is dangerous).

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картинка на второй день

(почему-то эта штука далась мне сложно...)

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She thought she would get used to her new life. But she hadn't been given the chance to choose to do that forever. Furthermore, could that imprisonment even be called a life? At one point, she wasn't sure anymore.

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Eigentlich habe ich überhaupt keine Zeit bei der mitzumachen, aber heute war ein wenig Zeit über und ich konnte eine schnelle Illu zum heutigen Thema machen.. //a quick Little Illustration for todays prompt

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Detail of the fourth prompt of I choose the story ‘The fisherman and the jinni, a story told by Sheherazade in the One Thousand and One Nights about a fisherman who find a bottle with a gohst in his fishnet instead of fish.

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Detail of the fisherman in the fourth prompt of I choose the story ‘The fisherman and the jinni, a story told by Sheherazade in the One Thousand and One Nights about a fisherman who find a bottle with a gohst in his fishnet instead of fish.…

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Folktale Week IV:
„There was something, or someone, the lost soul was waiting for. It could not remember. But it had to stay.“

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Folktale Week III:
„Fairies and Mice, Bats and Butterflies, beware of the witch or you‘ll end in her cauldron.“

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Folktale Week I:
„Nobody knows what you might find in the forest. Or what might find you."

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